Our house has been FULL of sickness over the past few months! I can not begin to tell you how ready I am for us all to to be happy and healthy people! I mentioned last week that I ended up with strep and seriously felt like I was dying! Now Rilan and Zoey both have it and we are on day 3 of having to miss school!
We did have a fun weekend though before the sickness hit! On Friday Dax's parents came up for a visit to celebrate his birthday. We went and had dinner at Rilan's favorite, hibachi! It was so yummy!!
On Saturday we went to the Fort Worth Zoo to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we were having. Zoey HATED our trip a few weeks ago and did SO much better this time! I think she loved having her Daddy there to keep her safe.
When we got home from the zoo I had a Thirty-One package waiting on me from a party I had the week before. I was so EXCITED to deliver all the goodies to everyone AND get to see my 5th Avenue I had ordered myself!
I LOVE the bag! It fits all I need to carry for myself and a few diapers and wipes for Zoey!
I thought that Rilan was feeling a bit better yesterday afternoon, but he seems to feel awful again this morning. I am hoping he can go back to school tomorrow. I know he is missing out on lots and missing his friends!
Sorry for all the randomness! Hope everyone had a good rest week!

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