Gheez! I thought I would be better at this blogging thing! I always have things to write about I just never get around to doing it! I guess I just need to have a time each day that is my "blogging time.?" Its been a crazy few weeks. We had birthdays birthdays birthdays. Company here then we were gone and gone and gone! On the 25th of October we had Rilan's birthday party at my parents house and we had lots and lots of fun! He had a blast getting to play with our cousin Miller and my mom's friend who made his cake had 2 little kids that came over.
Okay now I'm frustrated because I can't get the picture in the order I want them in! UGH! Well anyway, we had a great time and he got tons of gifts! He is suck on a Thomas the Train kick, but its cute. He knows every trains name it awes me how he can remember all of them!
So after that we went to Austin for Halloween weekend to see some friends of our that used to live here and that Dax grew up with. They have a little girl named Jailee who is a year older than Rilan and they played so good together. I really wish they got to see each other more. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and watching the kiddos play. When we got there Friday night it was time for trick-or-treating, I wasn't so sure how it would go, and it went exactly how I imagined. He didn't want a thing to do with it, but he sure looked cute. He was a 50's rocker!
Okay well the picture are backwards but I can't figure out how to re-arrange them! Sorry!